When I received a message on Twitter asking if I would like to try free cake, the first thought I had was "what's the catch?", the second thought was "finally, an online cake shop!" and the third was simply "mmmm, cake!". I am nothing if not a cake connoisseur! Ok, well maybe not a connoisseur but I DO love cake! Which is unfortunate for my diet and weight but I don't drink, smoke, go out (ever - the problems of single parenthood!), what's left if not cake?! Nothing! That's what, absolutely nothing!
So the wonderful Emma at Bakerdays.com emailed and indeed confirmed that they would LOVE to send me free cake, which in my book makes them my new best friend! (I would like to point out that at this precise moment in time I'm currently sipping my diet cuppasoup on the 5:2 diet, which means I have to spend 2 days a week starving to death to allow me to eat cake all week. Just sayin....). Now, you may (or may not) be wondering where I've been. I've been sick. As in quite poorly, and after only half of my diagnosis' of Lupus and Arthritis came through, and with a trapped nerve caused by a problem with the discs in my back, I've spent many weeks asleep with my feet up on the sofa whilst trying to get used to my new meds. It was while I was feeling poorly and full of holes from needles and bruised ribs from liver scans that a little box of goodness arrived on my doorstep! If ever there was a fantastic time for a surprise treat arriving in my little paws, this was it! A parcel, a surprise AND it was cake - how to pull me out of the doldrums! Inside the little box was a list of ingredients, a little pack of Lovehearts, which are the cutest sweets in the world, a lovely little note and a cute as pie cake tin, with the luscious aroma of vanilla piping up out of the little air holes! When I opened the cute little tin, there was an even cuter little cake with writing on it in the style of The Bright Side (gorgeous tins, trinkets and presents by the Bright Side are sold HERE and are a particular favourite of mine, which made the cake all the nicer!) The cake was the small Letterbox Cake (5 inch cake, 3-4 portions) which is normally sold at £14.99. It said 3-4 portions but I quickly wolfed it myself (although normal people who aren't cake fiends could reasonably expect to share it 3-4 way!). The cake was very moist, having been packed in a special packaging that keeps the cake fresh but ensures no condensation issues arise, the icing soft and just the right amount of sweet, and I was really surprised how nice a cake that had made it through our postal system was! It arrived in one piece, packed well but not over packaged, and had no postal damage. Having had a good look around the Bakerdays website, there is a HUGE choice of cake and decorations, aswell as personalised and photo cakes. The size and price range range from the Letterbox cake I received, up to a whopping 12 inch cake, with recommended 40-55 portions, for a cost of £56.99 plus on this choice you get a free helium balloon! You can also buy a 7 inch Small Party Cake (10-12 portions) for £26.99 and a 9 inch Medium cake (18-25 portions) for £36.99. Yes, they may be slightly more expensive than a bakery cake. BUT you can't send a bakery cake in the post and surprise people, you can't get such a massive, extensive & high quality range of designs and personalisation - you can even change the actual cake to chocolate chip, chocolate gateau, fruit cake, the choices are pretty endless! So for this service which is all done from the comfort of your armchair, I think the prices are pretty spot on! A few years ago I was actually looking for an online cake service to send a surprise cake to my friend and there was no such thing, and I thought that someone was definitely missing a trick there. Bakerdays have quickly and extensively filled that niche, with good products of great quality and have an excellent customer service care. I WILL be using this company myself because it's quite simply an amazing idea and something different than sending flowers to congratulate people, or even just to say "I'm thinking of you". You can also find them on Twitter, Facebook or call them on 01623 867160. If you have any queries you can also email them on [email protected]. Thank you Emma for sending me such a lovely gift and cake just when I needed a pick me up, and I wish you and the company a long and deserved successful future! (p.s. Any jobs as cake testers - think of me! 😘) I shall just return to my diet cuppa soup and dream of cakes.....😍 X
Sometimes, you have one of THOSE days - you know the ones I'm talking about....where the kids have argued from the minute they got up, bickered with each other, whinged and whined "Mum, Satan poked me in the eye!", "Mum, Sensible tripped me over!", "Mum, Mental is LOOKING at me!!", then spent all the car journeys shrieking, making random screeches & weird noises, kicking the back of your chair, and you end up wanting to just beat them with sticks**?!?!
THEN you go and see them all fast asleep, all cute and snuggly, looking like little angels, with their soft pink cherub cheeks, and their little cute sighs and mutterings, and you just want to wake them up and cuddle them?? Nah, me either! It took me all day just to get some peace! No WAY am I starting another whinge fest before I've had 7 hours sleep and copious amounts of coffee and am ready to fight another day! ** I don't beat my kids with sticks. Or rulers, or baseball bats, or anything. I don't beat them full stop. But for some reason they find it hilarious when I answer any "Why?!" questions with "because I'll beat you with sticks/put you in the cellar (we don't have a cellar)/poke your eyes out with rusty spoons or blunt sticks". Don't ask me WHY they find this funny, I can only assume they've inherited my warped sense of humour....my particular favourite is when I listen to their very long explanations of what they want me to buy them (hahaha, yeah right!) and how they will earn the money for it, or how I can sell my possessions to raise the money (and again, hahaha yeah right!), and I sit looking convinced and making the appropriate "uh huh" noises of someone who is taking their plea for toys very seriously indeed, only to get to the end and just say "well, that was a very convincing pitch you put in there bud, but...nope! Never gonna happen. But excellent speech!". They laugh and laugh and laugh....then they realise I'm being serious..... 😘 |
AuthorI'm just a Mum with an abnormal family, here to make everyone else feel normal Archives
January 2018
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